I didn't get a chance to post this last week so I need to update you on my training. It's going
ok, but it's very hard to get all my miles in and being a super mom to Hope (she deserves it).
Week 5 Projected/ActualTuesday - 3 mile easy run, abs / 3 mile easy run, abs
Friday - 6 mile tempo run, abs / 6.65 mile tempo run, abs
Sunday - 12 mile easy run / 12 mile easy run
Total Mileage: 21.65 milesThe 12 mile run was awesome! I loved every minute of it. The problem was that Hope did not want to take an afternoon nap so I didn't get to rest myself. I was tired the rest of the day and felt guilty that I didn't play with Hope as much as I should have. I am currently rethinking my marathon training to possibly just a half marathon. It's sad to think about, but I have to do what best for Hope.
Week 6 Projected/ActualTuesday - 7 mile tempo run, abs / 7.66 mile tempo run
Thursday - Tennis practice / Tennis practice
Friday - 2 mile easy run, abs / 7.54 mile easy run
Saturday - 14 mile easy run / 10.01 mile easy run
Sunday - Tennis match / Tennis match
Total mileage: 25.21 milesSo as you can see, I didn't get to do my 14 mile run this week all at once. Adam was rafting on Saturday so he left the house at 6:00am and I had a tennis match on Sunday so I decided to combine my Friday and Saturday runs and get the mileage in the best I could. Hope did not sleep well at all last week and on Wed. night she got a stomach bug so her and I slept together Wed. night. Poor little girl. I felt awful for her. It was the first time she has gotten sick like that, which is nice because she is 11 months old (today, actually). So we are very lucky that she has been so healthy, but I felt so bad for her. I didn't sleep well for 4 straight nights. I was exhausted so my runs were terrible. I am actually surprised I got all my runs in. I went out on Friday and it was awful. I had tennis practice on Thursday so my legs were not as fresh as they normally are. I had fallen asleep during Hope's morning nap and when she woke me up, I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck. I powered through my run but was not happy about it. On Saturday, when Hope usually naps, we started out for our 10 miler. As soon as I started, my legs felt awful again. Of course, I had just run over 7 miles the day before so they would be tired, but I hated this feeling. I had to take the jogging stroller with me on Friday and Saturday since Adam was not around, so 17 miles in 2 days with the jogging stroller, that's gotta equal a marathon, right?!?! During my run, I started thinking that this might just not be working out. As much as I love running those long distances, I need some down time afterwards and Hope is not a great napper, so I am never guaranteed a good afternoon nap. I feel guilty laying on the couch while Hope is playing with her toys. Adam's schedule is unpredictable and now he has started tennis too, so he plays on Saturday mornings. Hope and I also plan to do some weekend getaways while Adam busy and we have some family weekend trips planned too. How am I going to get all these runs in??? So for now, I have decided that my longest distance is going to be the half marathon. I am sad to write this, because I really wanted to run the full, but I don't think I can be the best mom and train for a full marathon. I know I could finish the marathon, so it's not something I have to prove to myself, and I know one day I will do a full marathon and maybe Hope will be old enough to really cheer for me at the end. So now my training is a little different. I still plan to run one tempo run a week (usually on Tuesdays) at either 6 or 7 miles. On Fridays (or Wednesdays if need be) I will run an easy 3-4 miler. And then on Saturdays I will run a longer run (8-12 miles). This will be easier since my schedule is getting so full and I don't feel bad taking Hope on a 10 mile run if she is napping part of the time. So here is what I have planned this week.
Week 6 Projected/Actual
Tuesday - 6 mile tempo run, abs
Wednesday - 3 mile easy run
Friday - 8-10 mile easy run
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Tennis match
This will be considered an easier week, but last week was pretty tough. Hope and I will be traveling to Charleston, SC on Thursday evening (Adam has a busy weekend) so I thought it would be nice to visit one of my closest friends in the world and her daughter (4 months older than Hope).